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Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Disfunction (ED) in Toronto

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Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Disfunction (ED) in Toronto

Best Practices When You’re Considering Shockwave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in Toronto


Shockwave therapy for Ed in Toronto is a non-invasive option. Men who take this route get the advantage of low-intensity waves stimulating and repairing aging blood vessels.


This therapy promotes the growth of brand-new blood vessels and removes microplasm. Here are some best practices for this option. 


A Consultation

The first step is to talk to a qualified professional about your candidacy and if you fit this procedure. Shockwave therapy has been around for quite some time. The technique uses low-intensity shock and targeted sound waves to encourage and promote blood flow.


There's some clinical evidence that Shockwave therapy for Ed is effective. For example, a 2010 study included candidates who found improvements after only six months of these treatments.


The initial consultation includes an evaluation of your condition's specifics, as well as your current health status and medical history. This part of the treatment program can also include discussing any previous options you've tried and any underlying health issues.


An Explanation of The Procedure 


Shockwave therapy is unique in that it treats the causes of ED and not just the symptoms that men suffer from. The focus of this therapy is to regenerate blood vessels in the shaft of the penis so that longer and stronger erections are supported.


Understanding how this treatment works and what you can expect is essential.  This is generally painless, and there's no recovery period after the sessions.

  • This treatment doesn't require any preparation. However, a gel can sometimes be applied to enhance the Shockwave transmission.
  • The device that admits sound waves is applied to different areas of the penile shaft.
  • New blood vessels are stimulated, resulting in improved blood flow that encourages natural healing and stronger, fuller erections.  

Shockwave therapy is an attested treatment used in various other areas, including sports medicine, aesthetic medicine and orthopedics. Several different scientific research papers show it's effective at enhancing blood flow. 



Men can usually resume their regular routines after a session. Only minimal side effects have been reported; usually, there's no downtime. Several treatment sessions are generally required for the best results, but the number depends on individual circumstances.

The Toronto Precision Sexual Health Clinic for Men doesn't need a referral from a doctor for men looking at Shockwave therapy for ED in Toronto.

Call us anytime during our hours of operation to book your complimentary appointment (covered by OHIP),

We also have a contact form on our website you can fill out. If you're suffering from ED, get in touch with us today because we understand that sexual health is an essential part of your happiness, and join our many happy clients we have helped bring back to normal.

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