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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Nutrition in Toronto: How Your Choices Make a Difference

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Nutrition in Toronto: How Your Choices Make a Difference

There’s a relationship between Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Nutrition in Toronto. It begins with understanding how cardiovascular disease and other health issues can be behind the problem in the first place.


However, other causes of erectile dysfunction can be emotional or physical. Some of the physical factors include:


  • The blood supply that gets directed to the penis.
  • Hormonal issues can play a role.
  • Issues with the nervous system can be a part of the issue.
  • Several other factors.


It’s also important to know that people with health conditions like cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes have a higher incidence of ED. There have been a variety of different studies that suggest a link between the kind of foods you eat and ED.  For example, The National Library of Medicine reported in 2018 on the direct link between different types of diets and the sexual health of men.


Improves Testosterone


The report states that overweight and obese men who lose weight through low-calorie low-fat diets improve their erectile function as well as their testosterone levels. The report also points out that erectile dysfunction is lessened in men who choose The Mediterranean Diet.


Other research suggests a diet full of fish, legumes, beans, nuts and vegetables with an emphasis on fruit is a healthy way to avoid this issue. Those are the essential ingredients of what’s called The Mediterranean Diet.


Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Nutrition in Toronto Risks


Another study looked at close to 22,000 men in America. The Health Professionals Follow-Up Study was started back in 1986 and looked at the relationship between the kind of foods men eat and ED. The participants were 40-75 years old and the study lasted for years.

At the end of the research some interesting findings included:


  • The higher Mediterranean Diet scores in men over 60 years old, the lower their incidences of ED.
  • Men who were under 60 years old who adhered to The Mediterranean Diet had the lowest scores of anyone in the research.


Diet is an important factor in reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction. Lifestyle also plays an important role and limiting alcohol consumption and not using tobacco is important.


Men who can’t change their diet completely can rely on some other foods to make a difference.


Other Foods That Help


There’s some other interesting research that points to the fact consuming some foods that are high in flavonoid content can help reduce ED risk. Flavonoids are a manner of anti oxidant.


The data points to the fact that along with getting regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight consuming cocoa might make a difference. There are different types of flavonoids and the sources can include vegetables and fruits as well as grains, nuts, tea and even wine.


This blog was brought to you by Precision Sexual Health Clinic for Men. We offer a variety of treatments including injection therapy.

Our years of research have shown the correlation between Erectile Dysfunction (ED) & Nutrition in Toronto. 

Call us today to book your free consultation for Erectile Dysfunction in Toronto @ 416.792.1007
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