Men’s Clinics Provide Non-Invasive Treatment Care Plan for Peyronie’s Disease

Men’s Guide to Getting Peyronie’s Disease Help in Toronto

If you are experiencing men’s sexual health issues such as painful erections or erectile dysfunction there are many reasons why you should consult with a medical professional, with the most important being that your sexual health is an essential component of your entire physical and mental well-being. Many common conditions, such as Peyronie’s Disease can be helped with non-invasive, drug-free treatments so that you can get back on the road to feeling healthy, happy and whole.

The following guide can help you learn more about Peyronie’s Disease, and how to get the very best help in Toronto.

Men’s Guide to Getting Peyronie’s Disease Help in Toronto

Know the Symptoms

If you suspect Peyronie’s Disease to be the cause of your sexual health issues, taking a personal assessment is the first step to getting help, and narrowing down the best place to seek treatment.

  • Peyronie’s disease symptoms include areas of scar tissue under the skin on the penis. These masses are also referred to as Peyronie’s plaque.
  • The plaque feels rigid, bumpy or even as a band and remains static while the rest of the skin on the penis feels malleable. The scar tissue does not accommodate growth of the penis during erection, restricting the way the penis expands, often resulting in a curved, or hourglass shaped erection.
Men’s Guide to Getting Peyronie’s Disease Help in Toronto

Know Why You Should Get Help

It can be easy to put off getting help, but learning more about your particular sexual health issues can help you feel more motivated to seek medical advice.

  • As Peyronie’s disease progresses, erections can become increasingly painful to achieve and maintain because of the distorted erection.
  • You should seek help to find treatment to work towards being able to resume normal sexual performance and getting help with erectile dysfunction.
Men’s Guide to Getting Peyronie’s Disease Help in Toronto

Understand the Issue Has No Known Cause

Worrying about the cause of a problem is a common source of procrastination that will roadblock taking initiative towards getting help.

  • Peyronie’s Disease doesn’t have a confirmed source or cause, but it is theorized that genetics, physical trauma to the penis, various medications and vitamin deficiency cannot be discounted as contributing factors.

What Clients are Saying

What Clients are Saying

The Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic uses state-of-the-art therapies to treat clients, including shockwave therapy to improve blood flow to the penis, various types of injection therapies, drug therapies, surgical procedures, and sex therapy. Dr. Juta prefers a holistic approach and may use treatments in combination to help restore function and intimacy.