Precision Impotence Clinic Treatment Options For Toronto Men

What Service Does An Impotence Clinic In Toronto Offer?

What Service Does An Impotence Clinic In Toronto Offer?

Impotence (medically referred to as erectile dysfunction) simply put, is where a man repeatedly experiences difficulty attaining and/or sustaining an erection over a certain period.

An impotence clinic provides Toronto men with a wide variety of offerings including consultation, assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

More importantly, they should be able to offer these services in an environment that is welcoming, compassionate and understands the sense of urgency that often accompanies men’s sexual health concerns.

Consultation and Assessment

Consultation and Assessment

Those who have booked consultation and assessments at Precision Sexual Health with regard to their impotence concerns have reported that although they were initially weary about seeing a doctor, the clinic made the experience both comfortable and calming. They did not need a referral, were able to book their appointment and be scheduled only a few days later. Further, some men also reported that the option of being able to do the initial consultation online via telehealth was a convenient option that allowed them to ease into the process of discussing their sexual health.

The first visit after consultation was completed in-office where they described the Doctor as being very professional and relaxed during the discussion about their medical history and present sexual health concerns, as well as throughout the physical examination.

Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis and Treatment Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis and Treatment

Impotence can be a complex issue because it involves so much more than just a physical problem. There can be physiological contributing factors such as lifestyle, or underlying medical conditions or side effects from current prescriptions. There can also be mental health issues as well such as stress, anxiety or depression.

Precision Sexual Health understands that the conditions under which impotence is diagnosed are very individual and as such they provide care that reflect this fact; personalized treatment plans based on the individual, their needs and their sexual wellness goals.

Precision impotence clinic treatment options for Toronto men experiencing erectile dysfunction are as follows;

  • Shockwave therapy that uses acoustic sound wave energy for pain-free stimulating treatment.
  • Injection therapy, which is a modern procedure that is suggested to promote blood flow and rejuvenation.
  • Trimix, which is an injectable prescription medicine, that offers quicker, more spontaneous results than traditional oral medications.
  • Sex therapy to assist with the non-physical symptoms of impotence such as relationship difficulties or personal issues.
  • Neuromodulators, which are a long lasting injection therapy, used to increase stamina and provide more reliable erections.

Each of these treatment options can have beneficial impacts on impotence symptoms, but as mentioned above Precision Sexual Health takes a personal approach to care plans and as such may suggest a combination of treatments as part as an individualized wellness program.

As stated earlier, one of the most important things an impotence clinic in Toronto can offer patients is an environment that is welcoming, compassionate and also understands the sense of urgency that often accompanies men’s sexual health concerns.

Precision Sexual Health Clinic for Men clearly demonstrates that this is a commitment they have made to their patients by providing care that is professional, considerate and sympathetic. With respect to the sense of anxiety and urgency men feel when they are worried about their sexual health, Precision Sexual Health can also provide treatment immediately following assessment when it’s right for the individual.

Contact Precision Sexual Health Clinic for Men today to see what the best impotence clinic in Toronto can offer you.

What Clients are Saying

What Clients are Saying

The Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic uses state-of-the-art therapies to treat clients, including shockwave therapy to improve blood flow to the penis, various types of injection therapies, drug therapies, surgical procedures, and sex therapy. Dr. Juta prefers a holistic approach and may use treatments in combination to help restore function and intimacy.