Men’s Clinics Have the Best Erectile Dysfunction Doctor in Toronto

When It Comes To Erectile Dysfunction What Is The Best Type Of Doctor In Toronto?

When It Comes To Erectile Dysfunction What Is The Best Type Of Doctor In Toronto?

When it comes to erectile dysfunction you may be wondering what type of doctor you should be contacting for information and possibly treatment. This may initially be a daunting prospect because there are few different choices, or because you may be feeling uncomfortable at the thought of having to speak to someone about your sexual health.

By choosing the right doctor in Toronto for help with erectile dysfunction you will be able to make sure you are getting the most comprehensive care in a place where you won’t need to feel uncomfortable.

Here are the various types of doctors and specialists to consider: Here are the various types of doctors and specialists to consider: Here are the various types of doctors and specialists to consider:

Here are the various types of doctors and specialists to consider:

  • Family doctor
  • Urologist
  • Endocrinologist
  • Dedicated Men’s Sexual Health Doctor

Some of these practitioners you may already be familiar with, but below is an outline of who they are, what they can do, and why they may be the best erectile dysfunction doctor option for your situation.

Family doctors , also known as general practitioners are typically the first point of contact for all health concerns. They have the ability to provide a diagnosis or a speculation on diagnosis in order to provide treatment, order tests or bloodwork, or refer you on to a specialized doctor that can provide you with more specific care. General practitioners treat both men and woman of all ages, from infants to seniors. Family medicine clinics are usually very busy places and as such appointment times tend to be too short to fully address your concerns or answer all the questions that you may have. Many men have reported that in attempting to speak with their family doctor about erectile dysfunction they felt like they were being dismissed with either a prescription, a referral to a specialist, or both. If you are simply seeking medicine or you are okay with waiting to see if a specialist can help, then the family doctor might be the appropriate choice for you.

An urologist specializes in the urinary tracts of both men and women as well as the male reproductive system and an endocrinologist specializes in the endocrine systems of both men and women. (The endocrine system is what releases the hormones that work towards regulating the functions of the body.) As specialists, you will almost always need a referral from your family doctor to be seen, and the wait to book an appointment can take months. Both of these specialists may be able to help with the various physical aspects of erectile dysfunction.

A dedicated men’s sexual health doctor may also fall under the category of general practitioner, however when working at a men’s sexual health medical centre these doctors are focused on providing care exclusively to men and their sexual health concerns. There are several advantages to the care and treatment that are proved by erectile dysfunction doctors in Toronto Men’s sexual health clinics that often cannot be offered by other doctors; such as not requiring a referral to be seen, a comfortable environment for men to seek help for their sexual health concerns, a wide variety of treatments and therapies that provide both physical and psychological help and the ability to be seen without having to wait very long for an appointment.

What Clients are Saying

What Clients are Saying

The Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic uses state-of-the-art therapies to treat clients, including shockwave therapy to improve blood flow to the penis, various types of injection therapies, drug therapies, surgical procedures, and sex therapy. Dr. Juta prefers a holistic approach and may use treatments in combination to help restore function and intimacy.

If you want comprehensive care in a comfortable compassionate environment then a dedicated men’s sexual health doctor is the best erectile dysfunction doctor in Toronto for you to choose.