Toronto Doctor for Peyronie’s Disease Heads Team at Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic

Toronto Doctor for Peyronie’s Disease

Toronto Doctor for Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s Disease, a condition characterized by a curvature or bend in the penis, is a very common problem. It’s estimated that about 9% of men experience this disorder, which can lead to a loss of intimacy and sexual pleasure. But even though Peyronie’s Disease is common, men are often reluctant to discuss the problem with their family doctor. Even when men do explain their symptoms, doctors sometimes don’t take the condition seriously, or don’t know how to treat it. Toronto doctor Dhanesh Juta founded the Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic precisely because he saw a need for a medical centre dedicated to helping men deal with conditions such as erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s Disease, premature ejaculation, low testosterone, and other conditions that interfere with sexual intimacy and pleasure. At Precision, you can speak freely about your concerns, with the knowledge that the clinic’s medical professionals will be able to suggest an effective course of treatment.

Do You Have Peyronie’s Disease?

Do You Have Peyronie’s Disease?

The most obvious symptom of Peyronie’s Disease is a significant curvature of the penis. Often the erect penis will bend upward or downward, sometimes it bends toward the left or right. Indentations may appear on the erect penis or it may appear to have an “hourglass” shape. There may even be a shrinking or shortening of the penis. When the penis is flaccid, you will probably be able to feel hard tissue called plaque on the shaft of the penis. This may feel like flat bumps, or like a band of hard tissue. It is this fibrous scar tissue that causes the shape of the penis to change. Symptoms may develop gradually or may appear suddenly.

This curvature or change in the shape of the penis usually leads to other difficulties, most commonly erectile dysfunction. Peyronie’s Disease often makes intercourse painful, difficult, unsatisfying, or impossible. The psychological effects of the inability to achieve or maintain a pleasurable erection can, in turn, exacerbate erectile dysfunction and lead to the development of depression.

The causes of Peyronie’s Disease are not completely clear, but possible etiology includes injury to the penis, connective tissue disorders, vitamin deficiency, side-effects of drugs such as beta blockers, heredity, or hormonal imbalances.

What Can Be Done

What Can Be Done

If you suspect that you may have Peyronie’s Disease, book a consultation with Dr. Juta at Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic online on their website , or by calling 416-792-1007. The medical team at Precision has treated many patients with this condition and are knowledgeable about the most recent treatments available. The clinic offers a number of different ways to help reverse the effects of the disease, including:

  • Low-intensity shockwave therapy designed to stimulate the repair of blood vessels, stimulate growth of new blood vessels, and aid in the removal of micro-plaque.
  • Trimix injections, which cause an increase in blood to the penis, allowing an erection to occur within minutes.
  • Injection therapy, which uses certain factors extracted from a small quantity of your own blood in order to stimulate blood flow and tissue growth in the shaft of the penis.
  • Sex therapy with a certified sex therapist, which can help to couples to re-establish intimacy.

Contact Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic today and book a consultation.

What Clients are Saying

What Clients are Saying

The Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic uses state-of-the-art therapies to treat clients, including shockwave therapy to improve blood flow to the penis, various types of injection therapies, drug therapies, surgical procedures, and sex therapy. Dr. Juta prefers a holistic approach and may use treatments in combination to help restore function and intimacy.