Erectile Dysfunction Center in Toronto Cures ED

ED – Will it Happen to You? ED – Will it Happen to You?

ED – Will it Happen to You?

A Toronto erectile dysfunction clinic specializes in treating ED. It’s a common problem for men and a majority of them will experience it during their lifetime, with the percentage increasing with age. For some the root cause is psychological, but most cases have physiological origins.

There are five common causes of ED, beginning with vascular disease. The small arteries of the penis are often affected by atherosclerosis (blocked blood vessels) before other arteries in the body. In fact, this form of ED can be a predictor of cardiovascular disease. Working on your heart health – including exercising, quitting smoking, losing weight and following a healthy diet will reduce the risk of ED.

Diabetes is the second most common cause of ED. High blood sugar levels can damage both the nerves that control sexual stimulation, and the blood vessels in the penis that are necessary to get and keep an erection.
Medications can be problematic, and these include antidepressants, blood pressure medication and testosterone blockers.
Pelvic Surgery is a potential complication after prostate cancer surgery. The nerves that control an erection lie close to the prostate and may be damaged by the procedure.

Finally, there are neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. Nerve damage from spinal cord injuries and stroke can also be a factor.

ED remedies Include Shock Wave Therapy

ED remedies Include Shock Wave Therapy

As mentioned, a healthy lifestyle is often the best line of defense against ED. There are several treatments available as well. The best known is pharmaceutical - the famous blue pill and its cousins that have revolutionized men’s sexual health.

In the case where the ED’s origin may be psychological, specialists and counsellors who can work with that.
But when ED is caused by physiological problems, a new therapy is getting buzz. It’s called Erectile Dysfunction Shock Wave Therapy – EDSWT. Don’t be deterred by the word ‘shock’ – the process does not actually shock the penis but rather uses soundwaves. (In fact, the only shocking thing may be how effective the treatment can be!)

The treatment is simple and painless. A wand is moved over the base and shaft of the penis, focusing energy waves on the two arteries inside the penis that carry and hold the blood necessary for an erection. The pulses trigger increased blood flow, by stimulating the repair of red blood vessels, the growth of new blood vessels and the removal of micro-plaque. There is no pain and only a slight tingling sensation. The duration of the process is about a half hour at the most – and you can drive home afterwards.

Toronto’s ED Clinic…

Toronto’s ED Clinic…

EDSWT can be performed for outpatients at clinics such as the Toronto’s Precision Sexual Health Clinic for Men. The clinic offers a comprehensive range of sexual health treatments in a calm pleasant setting. The initial consultation is with the Clinic’s founder Doctor Dhanesh Juta, whether at the clinic or via telehealth. At that consultation a thorough review of current medical history and ED symptoms is made, as well as an exam. The clinic offers rapid access and treatment, making it the pre-eminent erectile dysfunction center in Toronto.

What Clients are Saying

What Clients are Saying

The Precision Men’s Sexual Health Clinic uses state-of-the-art therapies to treat clients, including shockwave therapy to improve blood flow to the penis, various types of injection therapies, drug therapies, surgical procedures, and sex therapy. Dr. Juta prefers a holistic approach and may use treatments in combination to help restore function and intimacy.